Ah my friend… my Leo friend I can so hear you on the phone with that guy. You could have given Harris what for in a debate. You are the queen of sarcastic memes and some of the funniest “right on” ones I’ve ever seen. Precisely the reason I’m trying to back pedal out of social media land. If I don’t I’ll get censored and for what purpose? Certainly not to stay informed. To respond to a threatening post? They are being paid to write triggering content. No matter what you say, how fact based, how reasonable they will still attack. (Thank you for mentioning RFK btw … the only adult in the room). God forbid I get sucked into a thread with a bot. Why am I doing this? So I can stay informed? Huh-uh. To keep up with the four friends I still have you being one of them? Honestly the only benefit out of that relationship is to see your sarcastic memes, now that’s been gone. Or is it? Can you resist? Get out now before your social credit scores bring you down … those algorithms work both ways. I’ve already quit Fb and insta 3 times and re-upped. I’m watching Dr Phil and Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan and reading substacks to get my news. How long will substack remain free? X? Elon’s like a creepy hero. They use algorithms too and Elon could sell. They play bash the billionaire and we are the bumpers. For me it started with Space Invaders. See where that got us?

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or Pacman ... wocka wocka wocka ... gobble you up! yeah, I don't want to be known as the queen of sarcastic memes! Temptation gone!

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