Great article, Cate, and one of my pet peeves as well, as I think the denigration of matter and the body is the root of many of our problems today. I see that this oriented from the destruction of the Goddess religions as they represented this pole of earth/matter/body/soul. Patriarchy brought us the transcendent but lost the immanent. Blessings, Anodea Judith

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Thanks Anodea! And there's another way of looking at patriarchy! See "Understanding Patriarchy: Gender Issues #6 " -


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Well done! And succinct given the breath of subject matter covered.

"Eternal beings, by definition, have no "cause." No thing (and no "god") put our existence into motion. We always are, always will be and always have been, forever and ever. Amen."

Amen, indeed.

I get the agelessness and timelessness bit. Aging never felt real to me.

Appreciate the post. Best.

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Beautifully expressed, Cate!

Being “in-the-body” is one of my soap boxes…and here’s my personal testament:

I had panic attacks between 1983-88, spending most of those years out of my body. I think that’s the nature of severe anxiety—it begins and ends out of the body.

Anyway, when I learned to ground and be aware of/own my personal space (aura or energy field), the panic disappeared in less than 3 weeks, never to return.

Thank you as always for your thoughtful, astute observations and clear presentation.


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Very interesting personal experience! Thanks for sharing!

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So beautiful and true! I can see 13-year-old you on that pony having an experience of non-dual, timeless reality! ❤️

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