Healing the Divide
The split between heaven and earth is a corrosive concept—a programmed madness that's got to go.
Over the course of the last three days, this issue came up three different ways, from three different sources. So, it's obviously up for discussion!
Aside from the utterly blasphemous concept of original sin, I can't think of a single belief/teaching/idea that undermines reality more thoroughly and destructively than the insane view that "heaven" and "God" are "out there" somewhere, and that Earth and the flesh are sin-full, debauched traps for the unwary.
Yes, it's hard believing in our spirit nature when so much sensory input from birth (and probably conception) onwards screams "You're physical!!" at us 24/7. Stub your toe on the chair leg, give birth, have a headache, wrestle with cancer, wrench your back, try to quit smoking ... the relentless message of physical limitation and our seeming inability to escape this "mortal coil" and all the pain and issues that come with it is ... well, relentless.
The few paltry references to our "children of God" status in the Bible don't mitigate the misperception because they're mostly aimed towards affirming God's astounding creative powers, not our divinity.
"And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul." Genesis 2:7 KJV
In the Abrahamic traditions of Judaism, Islam and Christianity, we're not even dirt without God. Nowadays, many new Bible translations reaffirm our lowly, beast-like status by using the word "creature" instead of the word "soul."
Soulless, spiritless beasts of burden, condemned to toil and earn bread by the sweat of our brows and in suffering bear forth children into a world of pain, violence and slavery.
What a self-portrait and destiny we've been handed!
Blinded by science
As if this religious inheritance weren't bad enough, along comes science with its materialistic, reductionist methodology all too ready to prove the point of our insignificance.
Since the 18th century and rise of the Age of Reason, spirit and soul have been increasingly marginalized as the vague fantasies of insecure, biomechanical creatures desiring more self-importance than they're due.
Behavior has been reduced to survival mechanisms and Pavlovian responses to repeated stimuli. Consciousness is reduced to neurons firing in the brain, creating thoughts. Emotions are mere molecular releases triggered by external situations.
Sexually we are portrayed as animals, blindly driven by lust. Socially we are portrayed as greedy, competitive warmongers.
Kindness and compassion, gentleness and love, forgiveness and altruism are hallmarks of the angels. And when they do occur in man and woman, they are qualities bestowed upon them only by God Himself.
As a result of all this programming, we have created a great schism between heaven and earth in our minds.
Heaven is the place of light and goodness. Earth is the realm of darkness and deceit. Heaven is where beauty and love reside. Earth is ugly and filled with violence. Heaven is what we aspire to and Earth is what we desire to escape.
Nobody stops to wonder: If humanity is so innately brutish and dull, why do we long to escape this situation?
Oh yeah, I forgot.
The impulse to goodness, we are told, comes from God, not ourselves.
Mind blowing
As I'm writing this, I just had another AHA! moment regarding the obviousness of the religious setup—if, of course, you realize there is a setup and have the eyes to see it and haven't simply swallowed Biblical tales whole hog.
I was just thinking about the ubiquitous story we've been told/sold over and over again about how God the Almighty created us. And the absolute necessity of simultaneously creating a story explaining why we're such lousy, foible-ridden creations.
God is perfect goodness. How could He have created anything but perfect goodness in His likeness? Ah yes! Of course. That awful Eve listened to a talking snake in a garden and humanity fell from divinity into our current wretched state.
How could we possibly have fallen for this stuff?
Repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition, repetition ....
Thousands of years of repetition from every possible source and angle, pounding in one ineluctable lesson: God is Great and we are chopped liver.
That and the small fact that some of the story is true.
Subtle corrosion
The most effective propaganda always has a large element of truth to it. That way something in the message resonates purely, and subconsciously we go, "Ah! I recognize that is true!" Then, something else is slipped in with the truth that twists it into something caustic and ultimately destructive.
This is how the interdimensional intelligences known as the Archons work.
I've written about this dynamic in my essay on original sin. In the case of the story above, we have two truths and two falsehoods that have been interwoven.
First truth: We are divine.
We are divine. Not because some god created us as pure creatures. (That's the lie.) But because we are eternal spirit beings of pure love.
Eternal beings, by definition, have no "cause." No thing (and no "god") put our existence into motion. We always are, always will be and always have been, forever and ever. Amen.
Second truth: We've been tricked into debasing our light (our eternal spirit nature) by what often takes the form of a serpent.
The Archons, aka wetiko, windingo, the e'epa, the antimimos, the hungry ghosts of Tibetan literature, are non-physical and can morph into a wide variety of non-physical shapes, amongst them snakes. (The etheric forms of which I’ve seen and dealt with in “psychic attacks” many times over the years.)
For countless millennia we have indeed been "whispered to" by interdimensional beings waging a corrosive campaign to convince us we are not spirit beings of pure love, handing us the apple to bite into and swallow the story that we are but dumb, rather demented, physical beings that need strict oversight and control to keep us in line.
The current global drive by Archon-influenced human controllers towards the (not so) Great Reset is the ultimate coup de grâce to be delivered effecting this policy for our own good.
A contrary proposition
Aside from occasional vague references to our debauched divinity, what do we have going for us to balance out the equation human + earth = badness?
How do we know we are spirit?
This is the crux of the matter.
Until we EXPERIENCE our spirit nature, we’re stuck in our heads holding onto a mere belief and a desperate hope that somehow, against all evidence to the contrary, that it's true.
Meditation is a time-honored method of getting in touch with the reality of spirit. Unfortunately, there's a twist been added to it that can actually amplify rather than reduce the heaven/earth split. And that's the emphasis (especially prominent in New Age spirituality teachings) on getting up and out of the body and "out there" to God somewhere.
Having spent 30 years doing just that, I can honestly say it's a false flag operation and a total misdirection. Yes, I had stunning moments—hours, days, weeks even, of high consciousness bliss, insights, out-of-body experiences, even days of pure enlightenment. Blah blah blah.
I was potent and powerful and blissful—but not with my eyes open.
It was either oneness and peace out of my body, or the same ol' same ol' nightmare struggle being a physical human burdened by money problems, relationship issues, barking dogs, and unappreciative clients, living in an unsatisfying, hierarchical, competitive, wage-slave economy that depleted and exhausted me.
For decades I ping-ponged back and forth between these two distinct and separate realities—hours of blissful meditation followed by hours of not-so-blissful humanness—to the point that it actually drove me kind of crazy. I spent the years 2008-2010 writing a book I never finished called (uncreatively enough) The Two Realities where I fruitlessly tried writing my way to some sort of satisfying marriage of the two.
It's a stunning acknowledgement of the depth of our hypnosis thinking we somehow have to chose between the two states—heaven/bliss/out-of-body or earth/struggle/in-body—that it never occurred to me the answer lay in getting down and into my body instead of up and out.
The programmed prejudice against my body was so strong, it's taken me another 14 years to embrace it, accept the reality of its energetic nature, and actually begin to consciously experience my body as the vehicle of light that it is.
I am/we are apparently physical beings on an apparently physical planet supposedly spinning like a top amidst the infinite aethers of space. (The jury’s still out on that last bit.)
Quantum physics has delivered us this vision of reality for over a hundred years. But visions of interpenetrating fields of information/energy forming the basis of life does me no more good than religious beliefs in my spirit nature once did.
Without experiencing this situation, it's just a concept in my energetic-but-apparently-physical brain.
What to do?
Any moving meditative exercise done with eyes open like Tai Chi or Chi Gung—even yoga, as debased as this practice has become in the US (Stoned Yoga? Goat Yoga? Yikes!)—is great. It gets you grounded and in touch with your body and, eventually, it's fluid energetic nature.
Something else that really helps with the getting-in-the-body process is something called "somatic tracking." You can find dozens of somatic exercises on the web, and I highly recommend checking them out. But one of the simplest things you can do is simply sit with your bare feet on the floor, get comfortable, and get in touch with your body.
Starting at your feet, simply notice how your body feels—feet, ankles, calves, knees, thighs ... and on up, step-by-step, body part by body part.
Breathe calmly and normally as you do this, noticing feelings, sensations, energy, colors, movement, stagnation ... whatever shows up. The slower you go and the longer you take becoming deeply aware of your entire body, the more in-tune, grounded, and energetically aware you'll feel.
Get in touch with your agelessness
I've puzzled some people by stating I feel no different now at age 72 than I did when I was 32 and 12 and age five. That's because I'm tuning into the sense of pure awareness of self, not my body, which most definitely feels different now than it did at age five!
I remember the first time I noticed this timeless sense of self. I was 13, sitting on my pony on top of a hill. Wind in my hair, sun on my face, it hit me that something about me was unchanged with the passage of time ... that I'd felt the same awareness of life over and over again. I guess you could say it was the awareness of being aware. And that awareness was unchanging.
The "you" that is aware is unchanging. It's subtle, but obvious once you tap into it. I take 30 minutes every day to tap into my energetic spirit nature. I go outside, if I can, to be in nature. At the very least I turn off my phone and get away from my computer and just sit, eyes open, feeling the field. Feeling the energy of pure love. And the more I do it, the stronger the awareness becomes.
People think I'm a very spiritual person. But I'm not. Not anymore. I used to think that's what I was. But now I know better.
I'm a spirit being of pure love.
Understand the difference, and you've healed the divide.
Much love and aloha ~
Check out the book:
Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom
For thousands of years, every culture on Earth has described a hostile, invisible Intelligence bedeviling humanity, dragging us down. The Archons, AshShaytān, wetiko, windingo, e'epa, antimimos, Satan ... the names are legion.
Cracking the Matrix explores the astounding history and nature of what humanity has erroneously labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see the very real, negative, interdimensional influence that exists behind historic and current global events and our social decline.
The book outlines how to break free of this Force's ancient controlling agenda and how people can stand up in the power of their true spiritual nature, ready to create the New Heaven and the New Earth that have so long been prophesied.
About Cate Montana
A professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine and health, Cate is the author of several other books, including Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within [Watkins 2013], and The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials [Atria 2017], and a spiritual novel titled Apollo & Me. She has a master’s degree in psychology, and is a highly informative and compelling speaker and guest on radio and TV shows and podcasts. She is very grateful to be able to say she lives in Hawaii.
For more information www.catemontana.com
Great article, Cate, and one of my pet peeves as well, as I think the denigration of matter and the body is the root of many of our problems today. I see that this oriented from the destruction of the Goddess religions as they represented this pole of earth/matter/body/soul. Patriarchy brought us the transcendent but lost the immanent. Blessings, Anodea Judith
Well done! And succinct given the breath of subject matter covered.
"Eternal beings, by definition, have no "cause." No thing (and no "god") put our existence into motion. We always are, always will be and always have been, forever and ever. Amen."
Amen, indeed.
I get the agelessness and timelessness bit. Aging never felt real to me.
Appreciate the post. Best.