New age lost me when they became more obsessed of the symbols than reality. Like science, the map becomes more important than reality.

Heinz von Foerester on what is reality.


Same with Buddhism where the ultimate goal is nirvana or pretty much nothingness. I don't think the same of Zen Buddhism which leaves things more as a mystery to grow into.

“Belief is the death of intelligence. As soon as one believes a doctrine of any sort, or assumes certitude, one stops thinking about that aspect of existence.” - Robert Anton Wilson

"I believe humanity's foray into fiction began with the breakdown of the bicameral mind, and the insertion of meaningless symbols in between the subject and the seer. In short, back when people used pictographic alphabets, we were limited to discussing things we could actually see in the real world. The invention of phonemic alphabets like this one, which are comprised not of representative pictures but of meaningless letters, provides the opportunity to invent an endless stream of non-sense, the greatest of these being spelled with just a single capital letter."

Alphabet vs the goddess lecture by Leonard Shlain


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Yes, the alphabets stimulate left brain function.Then comes mathematics and science and record keeping and administrative tasks - all structural and left brain... bye bye wholeness!

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