I've always asked this... How is it that we all manifest but somehow that doesn't interfere with others?

Anyway the double slit and other experiments are a result of broken science that ignores basic logic. The double slit assumed that they could "detect" the path without affecting it. That's impossible... Any detector uses energy to detect.

I've seen an article about how they're still doing double slit experiments to confirm something... Hmmm?

First link: Heinz Von Foerester on how science became imaginary.... https://youtu.be/ev7e9sfWIJo

Here's a good playlist of videos on the pseudoscience of quantum theory. They played around with formulas to create what they wanted.


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I see it: "The human mind is a fart in a high wind...

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Howdy, Tom Retired teacher coach of almost 4 decades from the Houston area now in New Orleans driving transportation for the biggest natural gas plan around. What is going on in public education with its failures has a lot of reasons, there’s a lot of variables going on. One variable is the mental abuse that caused their students because they know no better. There are so many boys today who hates school Because at a young age, they’re usually female teachers talk to them auditorily, and boys don’t learn anything vocally, even as men we do not. That is not a learning style. Education doesn’t want to recognize this. I had a very forethink principal who saw my success with any type, and I mean any type, failures game members whatever because of the way I approach them in the way I thought. And so I would, teach the new teacher to the district brand new teachers on my management skill and that is a recognition of the pre-learning styles, visual, aesthetic known in public education. They actually want kids, especially boys to fail. Perplexes me now I am working on raising boys, and teaching them how to understand how boys and men think. My company is called for The Boys. I will start my Substack soon, and hopefully we can leave the problems in the world, have lost their minds and think just with their penis. I only believe that 20% of men are actually good leaders, and as you can tell by the world, I am correct. Thank you love to hear your opinion. I am currently driving a bus in a construction chemical plant in New Orleans. So don’t hate any of the grammar errors as I am currently driving. I’m sending it to you.

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