Thank you, Cate.

It makes sense of so much of our world and how humans respond to authority. Makes so much sense in terms of understanding the many 'myths' and surely the old testament.

I'm sure you are aware of Maura Biglino, Paul Wallis and Billy Carlson (among others) all of whom have big followers. This topic is 'up'. And that's so encouraging.

Though I find it interesting that when I have brought up the non-human interference in some posts - both long ago and clearly still ongoing - some really keen and bright researchers who've identified the bloodline bit of the royal families and have dot-connected all kinds of global maneuvering, not only reject the non-human bit, but reject it fiercely, with an attempt at mocking and shaming anyone who might advance it.

I don't know if you're run into that? I won't name names. I find it really odd and fascinating and naturally wonder if that response was also modified in, as it were.

Such amazing times. Excellent read. Thank you.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Hi Kathleen - Thanks for sharing! You know the depths to which humans have been hybridized, modified and muffled in so many ways is shocking. And even more shocking is the effectiveness .... and how easily we are tricked. This says much for the innate sweetness and trustingness of humanity (we are not dumb!!!!) But it also shows how much our innate good nature has been used against us.

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Yes and while hybridization is not an easy pill to swallow - once you do, a lot falls into place.

I completely agree with you, on human's innate sweetness and goodness. And how that is being weaponized - (take the shot and save granny) all the time.

Fortunately Nature is still here and we can access all that includes, anytime we want.

So good that it's all getting more obvious now - as the manufactured layers come undone.

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