Sep 8Liked by Cate Montana

I totally enjoyed this article Cate! The same king is pulling the puppet strings of both hands!! LOVE! What a concept, right inside of the human all along!!❤️

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Sep 7Liked by Cate Montana

Hi Cate! Thank you for your article and insight. Yes, from my experience and knowledge everything you said is true. Once the global realization occurred to me, instead of giving up, I have turned to doing my best to focus on the love for my grandchildren, the joy I receive when I am able to assist an elderly family members, and my gratitude for the abundance my wife and I have.

I no longer attempt to unravel the nonsense associated with political candidates or the current global conspiracies'. Again, thank you for the stimulating article.

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Beautiful William. "I have turned to doing my best to focus on the love ...". that's our only and most POWERFUL recourse ... the one place negative forces do not want us to go. Bless you!

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Well spoken, you rounded it out…they divide us with the two party system. Love that you pointed out the debacle with our vice president now up , automatically as a candidate for the presidency! I missed realizing that major piece of this puzzle. Yes, I am scratching out the names on my ballot, as Jacqueline shared, so my no vote doesn’t go to a candidate of “their” choice! We have to be Peaceful about all this, but wise. Thank you

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Sep 6·edited Sep 6Author

This was one of the hardest subjects to write about so far. Such a hot potato subject ... and you are not alone in not understanding the basic illegality of Harris being automatically shunted into Biden’s spot. I’ve been stunned by how few people understand what happened… Harris is the least popular VP in US history…. And yet she’s the Democratic candidate that no one selected except the DNC.

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BRAVO!!! BRAVO!! BRAVO Cate! You had me at Chee but you slayed me when the curtain pulled aside to reveal the Wizard with no clothes. They have us where they want us and you pulled me into that fear before you sprang your Love on it. There is one thing in your life you have that the billions spent to get the one thing from you that you can only give. That is your attention. It’s really that simple. Give Love your attention. Give nature your attention. Give a little black kitten your attention. They deserve it!

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INDEED! Thanks Bonnie—that was such a telling moment that day ... sending loving attention to Chee, wherever she may be ...

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