The dream of Earth and purpose of humanity
Stepping into the unknown — the Power to Manifest, Part 11
There are endless stories about Earth's origins told throughout history. (At least the history we know about!) As well, there are endless speculations about Earth's purpose. You know the stories ... "Earth is a prison planet. Earth is a school. Earth is the 'hell realm.' Earth is a computer simulation. Earth is an experiment." Etc. etc.
For the longest time I ignored such stories, because what difference did it make? How would we ever know for certain? What about simply accepting Earth's and our existence and just go with the flow, doing the best we can?
But then, sometime during the whole COVID debacle, doing research into the nature and presence of what I originally thought of as "evil," I took pause. It had become abundantly clear to me that “evil” and what was commonly referred to as demons and the devil, were actually interdimensional/non-physical beings of negative intent on the planet that didn't have humanity's best interests at heart.
Indeed, studying history, anthropology, politics, mythology, religion, etc., tracking the threads revealing this force's reality and malignancy, it was obvious that an age-old, all-encompassing global campaign was being run against human goodness, human evolution and growth by several factions that were not indigenous to planet Earth.
With COVID, the ancient battle between good and evil was playing out right before my very eyes, engaging a wildly disparate cast of characters from the very human corrupt global elite to alien presences and their interdimensional puppet masters. But then one morning, sitting out on my deck wearily contemplating the seemingly endless repetition of the same old story of domination and control, it suddenly hit me:
OMG! Humans are here on Earth to accomplish a mission. A mission to end the stupid, unending war between good and evil, once and for all.
Forget the ancient religious focus of angels battling demons. Forget the ever-popular theme of White Hats against the Black Hats in books, movies, TV shows and games. In that moment I realized the whole thing was a trap created by and perpetuated by the interdimensional forces, aka the Black Hats—a game that was purposely designed to continue the bloodshed, suffering, hatred, and conflict that fed those negative forces keeping them alive.
Battling evil was a fool's errand, because battle just creates more battle.
There was no end to it. And there wasn't supposed to be an end to it. Because if everybody laid down the sword and decided to get along, the negative energetic food supply of hate and suffering would dry up and blow away.
Earth had a purpose after all: Supporting humanity's mission to finally see through the game and finally end the conflict. To finally end hierarchy and control. End force and enslavement and philosophies of 'better than' that perpetuated misery, comparison, and strife.
And we were here to do it for everybody. To shine as an example for all the beings across the whole freaking universe trapped in the polarity of good and bad, blood and battle, superiority and fear, competition and greed.
We were here to see through the veils of separation and division, see the lies, see the interdimensional agendas, and move on into seeing ourselves as the spirit beings of pure love that we are, and then finally express our true nature by doing something totally new.
It was so obvious!
Excited, I called my friend and co-patriot, soul alchemist Robin Duda, to tell her my vision and aha. And we weren't three minutes into the conversation when my aha! got exponentially expanded!!
Earth's purpose
I've included a zoom recording in this email of a conversation Robin and I recently had on this topic. But for those who like a written preçis, here's what she told me that morning.
In 1999 she received a transmission from Gaia (the Earth body consciousness) that Earth herself had volunteered to become a seed planet that would conceive and bear forth the human body as a vehicle capable of the multidimensional expression of every genetic line of every major species across this universe, members of which were interested in A NEW WAY.
(Hence the old Abrahamic teaching that we are made from the dust of the Earth. It's a symbolic truth, but a stunningly limited view that reduces the magnificence of What/Who We Really Are & What We're Here to Do to wretched insignificance.)
Earth agreed to be the mirror of the consciousness of multidimensional reality in form —through her physicality—and provide, through her connection to Source and love in this universe, the pathway of love as the unifier and thus the peacemaker.
In essence, she said that instead of dozens of star-faring species continuing to duke it out for supremacy across the universe, the human body—which is part and parcel of Earth's body—would become the new arena in which all conflict could play out and finally be resolved.
Earth was the conscious being that stepped up and volunteered for this monumental task. And many multidimensional beings from many realms and species who were in alignment with the project volunteered, not just genetic material to build the new, multidimensional Earth bodies—they volunteered to come and inhabit those bodies and find a new way forward together as one.
Somehow. Some way. Whatever it took.
And then … there was a crisis. Beings not connected to love were able to enter through the portal of Earth’s intention and started genetically hybriding the human body with the seeds of their intentions, which were all about domination and control.
They entered the project with no intention of unity. Instead, they came with the need and desire to disrupt and feed on the energies of conflict and to consume the material resources of Earth.
And thus the dream of unity was hijacked … until now.
What will it take?
I have no idea how long Earth’s mission has been in the works. My sense is there have been many rises towards a breakthrough, and many falls back into chaos and defeat. But then, what's a few billion years between friends and co-conspirators? The past really doesn't matter. It's the present moment that counts. And I think, in this present moment, many millions of us here feel strongly aligned with Earth’s intentions. We are one with her, understanding that:
It's time for something new.
But here's the deal. If we don't know Who/What We Really Are and what we're here to do ... if we're still stuck believing all the same old stories about good versus evil and prison planets and Earth schools, and hierarchy and control, consumed by the need to focus on manifesting money so we can get ahead in the rat race so we can buy more stuff to put in our garages so we can feel safe and satisfied ... we're pissing away a cosmic opportunity of gargantuan proportions.
It's time to stop messing around, hitting the "repeat" button. Sure, dreaming of manifesting a new job or a new house is fine. But there is nothing new there. We already know what that reality is all about. It’s yesterday’s news.
How about expanding our horizons and focusing on manifesting the unknown instead?
How about joining Earth in her dream of unification and a whole new way of being?
Now THAT is a manifestation I can get behind!!!!
Much love and aloha ~ (PS - Enjoy the conversation with Robin!)
Check out the book:
Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom
For thousands of years, every culture on Earth has described a hostile, invisible Intelligence bedeviling humanity, dragging us down. The Archons, AshShaytān, wetiko, windingo, e'epa, antimimos, Satan ... the names are legion.
Cracking the Matrix explores the astounding history and nature of what humanity has erroneously labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see the very real, negative, interdimensional influence that exists behind historic and current global events and our social decline.
The book outlines how to break free of this Force's ancient controlling agenda and how people can stand up in the power of their true spiritual nature, ready to create the New Heaven and the New Earth that have so long been prophesied.
About Cate Montana
I’m a professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine and health, and the author of several books, including Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within [Watkins 2013], and The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials [Atria 2017], and a spiritual novel titled Apollo & Me. My latest book is Gender, Patriarchy & Sexual Mind Control: Breaking Free. I have a master’s degree in psychology, and a lot of TV, radio and podcast show hosts as well as listeners around the world have told me I’m an interesting and informative—even compelling—speaker. To which I say “Thank you.” Talking is something I enjoy doing even more than writing! (It’s more immediate and connected.) I am extremely blessed to have been called to Maui and grateful every day awakening here.
For more information you can reach me at and
What an amazing conversation between you, Cate, and Robin Duda!! It felt so in alignment with the beautiful frequency of Pure Love!! Thank you!!
Brilliant! This makes so much sense! Ending the whole "battle of good and evil" which has done nothing but create and perpetuate misery on this planet for our ancestors and for us, up to now. I'm in on the dream of earth!