The Body Problem
The body isn't an issue until we make it one. And boy have we ever made it one!
It's amazing how one's perspective changes with time. (Yay! I think that’s called growth!)
For years, decades even, I thought of the human body (and matter in general) as operating at a lower frequency than pure energy. Like, you know, it was solid.
Never mind I would often find myself writing about Einstein's famous equation and the equivalency of mass and energy. Never mind my favorite quantum physics quote from the Nobel Prize-winning Austrian physicist Erwin Schrödinger was:
What we observe as material bodies and forces are nothing but shapes and variations in the structure of space.
Particles are just schaumkommen (appearances). That is, quantum waves structures are real and material particles are not. [1]
I got what Schrödinger was saying and believed it. I just couldn't experience the truth of what he was pointing out when he proposed back in 1937 to eliminate point particles altogether by replacing them with quantum wave structure. Because when I stub my toe on the corner of the chair on my way to the kitchen it freakin' hurts.
Rapidly moving physical toe + stationary physical chair = pain.
One way or another, my body had been giving me the message of physicality every second of every minute of every hour of every day for my entire life.
How could an abstract physics concept tip that scale?
Which meant my writing years past contained an element of what can only be labeled a kind of schizophrenia. I'd quote Schrödinger and then talk about the lower frequency of the body. I'd quote Einstein and then talk about meditation and getting out of the physical body and back to a "higher realm." Which is exactly what I see endless New Age teachers continuously doing to this day.
Like I once did, they are fundamentally confusing people, mixing metaphors as it were, reinforcing the mind/body/spirit split.
Invisible shift
Apparently, my head caught up with the truth of this situation at some point over the last couple of years, because the equivalency of mass and energy lies at the heart of my message in Cracking the Matrix.
On the surface, the book seems to be about waking up to the fact that we live in a false reality—a duplicitous thought matrix set in motion by non-physical interdimensional beings called the Archons (who have been around forever) and their globalist human minions. (see previous articles)
But once you get past the basic premise, you get to the method of entrapment used by these beings. And the means of entrapment—the foundation of the matrix—is the successful disguising of the truth that we are spirit. A truth that Albert Einstein blatantly shoved in our faces a hundred years ago when he discovered:
The body appears physical but is not. We are spirit beings of pure love ... end of story.
But that's just it. That's NOT the end, because a story has been deliberately perpetrated and then unconsciously perpetuated. And the story we're still wrapped up in is the story of how the body is “lower” than spirit; how the body is a problem; how the body keeps us trapped.
This story is a complete lie. But we’ve bought it. As a result, we keep endlessly, fruitlessly, trying to escape the flesh, thereby guaranteeing that we never tap into our true power, which is part and parcel with the Earth.
If we continue to try to get “higher” and “better” and more “refined” and less earth-based, more spirit and less matter … we war against our very selves, deny the full expression of our own spirit, and miss the doorway to ascension which is DOWN AND IN not UP AND OUT.
Our power lies in inclusion. Our power lies in ALL that we are—spirt/flesh (kinda like spacetime)
spirit = energy = love = life = matter
Here lies the essence of the teaching of oneness.
A matter of frequency
I'm convinced most of us—myself included—don’t understand what we’re talking about when we use the word “frequency” beyond the fact that it enumerates the number of times a specified periodic phenomenon occurs within a specified interval.
I know that when I interviewed scientists like John Hagelin, the CERN physicist responsible for the creation of the overarching Super Symmetric String Theory, that my use of the word deeply disturbed him and other scientists like him. In fact, over the years I spent interviewing cutting-edge researchers, it was clear that most were driven wild by New Agers like me reducing the most vastly intricate, incomprehensible, contradictory and paradoxical scientific discoveries in human history into flat statements we could believe in and effectively sell, like ...
Thought creates reality.
I know this has been the sine qua non of New Age philosophy for the last 20 years, providing the very bedrock belief for uncounted thousands of spiritual books and seminars, workshops and videos. (And lots of money in the bank.) But it's a horrifically naive statement.
Are there some elements of scientific discovery that point in that direction? Absolutely. Is thought involved in the creation of what we call our "reality?” Sure. Is the blanket statement "thought creates reality" true? NO. We don't even know what reality is let alone what "creates" it.
Perhaps I'm getting rather fierce about this because I was previously one of the well-meaning but naive New Agers involved in bringing the film What the Bleep Do We Know!? to the world along with exactly that premise—a premise that launched the entire global spiritual community down the false trail of "personal manifestation" and thus a full-on obsession with the corrupting influence of spiritual materialism. Sigh.
Anyway—back to "frequency" and ...
Here's what's beginning to make sense to me now.
My “frequency” can be high or low. But my body has NOTHING to do with this determination.
The body and spirit are one. It is my overall consciousness which determines my reality—including the apparent "physicality" of my body, its health etc.
Religious and spiritual teachings have confused people into thinking the body is evil and problematic. But the body is only a "problem" because people have been taught to identify with the body as a limited physical object in spacetime.
This teaching—which has become a global belief—is the mechanism that moves people out of the higher frequency ranges of consciousness. As their belief in the body problem grows, their consciousness becomes more dense and more focused on material things because that is where their focus and identity lie.
Cleansing the body, fasting the body, trying to get out of the body through meditation, yoga, out-of-body practices, and other body purification practices are all symptoms of this lower level of consciousness and are practices that—if conducted with the intention of somehow escaping or "raising the frequency of physicality"—only perpetuate the illusion of physicality, trapping us more completely.
It might appear that the "oneness lineup" above: spirit = energy = love = life = matter is a lineup written left to right in descending order of most high to most low … of highest frequency expression to lowest. But this is deceptive and not the situation at all. It's all the same thing.
Many New Age teachers dodge this by saying that matter and energy are two sides to the same coin. But just like the little kid in the film The Matrix pointed out "There is no spoon," there is no coin. (check out the scene.)
There is no higher or lower or denser or slower—although matter appears to be all of these things. This is the foundation of the Eastern view that the world is an illusion ... not that it isn't "real"—but that things are not at all what they seem.
Not even what scientific experiments and words like "frequency" tell us.
The way through
The antidote to this mistaken perception and the way through, so to speak, is dropping all those illusory methodologies and getting down into the body, focused on becoming ever more aware of its energetic nature and innate purity.
The more we do that, the more whole, expanded, and more powerful we become.
Approaching the body with deep love, honoring its spirit/love nature, it's possible to do cleanses when the body says do a cleanse to aid its health and vigor; to do yoga to aid the body in its flexibility and strength when the body asks for something like yoga to aid its flexibility and strength. To meditate upon and open up to feeling the energy that is the body (not the "body's energy!”), we avail ourselves not only to the essence of Who/What We Really Are, we open up to the greater "body" of Earth which is also pure energy/spirt/love.
When we do this, the philosophy of oneness shifts to experience. The scales start to tip and the relentless 24/7 message "You are a physical being" begins to lose its hypnotic grip.
This approach may seem too simplistic. But from personal experience I can testify that treating the body as the intelligent energy vehicle that it is, getting quiet and relaxed, tuning more and more deeply into the energetic field I AM is incredibly potent and enlivening—and informative.
We don't unhook from an illusion by trying to escape the illusion. That just concretizes the illusion. We crack the matrix by turning around to touch the mirror ... gazing awestruck and excited as our hand passes right through.
With much love and aloha ~
[1] [E. Schrödinger. In Schroedinger- Life and Thought, Cambridge U. Press, 327, (1989)]
Check out the book:
Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom
For thousands of years, every culture on Earth has described a hostile, invisible Intelligence bedeviling humanity, dragging us down. The Archons, AshShaytān, wetiko, windingo, e'epa, antimimos, Satan ... the names are legion.
Cracking the Matrix explores the astounding history and nature of what humanity has erroneously labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see the very real, negative, interdimensional influence that exists behind historic and current global events and our social decline.
The book outlines how to break free of this Force's ancient controlling agenda and how people can stand up in the power of their true spiritual nature, ready to create the New Heaven and the New Earth that have so long been prophesied.
About Cate Montana
A professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine and health, Cate is the author of several other books, including Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within [Watkins 2013], and The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials [Atria 2017], and a spiritual novel titled Apollo & Me. She has a master’s degree in psychology, and is a highly informative and compelling speaker and guest on radio and TV shows and podcasts. She is very grateful to be able to say she lives in Hawaii.
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