"Coherent consciousness creates order in the world."
This is the opening statement on the website for The Global Consciousness Project, an international, multidisciplinary collaboration of scientists and engineers based at Princeton University. Since 1998, the Project has continuously collected data from a global network of random number generators located at 70 host sites around the world. Each RNG outputs a continuous stream of completely unpredictable zeroes and ones. But when global events such as 9/11 or the death of Princess Diana or a massive natural disaster engage millions of minds and hearts at once, structure emerges out of what would otherwise be randomness.
From this "We can conclude that there really are effects of consciousness in the world," says project director Roger Nelson, Ph.D. "Unexpected correlations in our network of random devices [point to] the most likely conclusion that there is an interconnection of consciousness at deeply hidden levels between people and among people across the globe."
However, Nelson says this conclusion can only be reached via an accumulation of data from hundreds of events. "No single event can be counted on to show a significant departure from expectation," he says. "The research is exactly like any scientific study of subtle phenomena. It requires patient replication of conceptually similar experiments whose separate results can be concatenated to yield a reliable statistical assessment."
Nelson also says that the most reliable overarching global emotion driving statistical deviation seems to be compassion and concern for the wellbeing of others.
We are dreamers
Historically, there is no shortage of myths, legends and stories proclaiming the "dreamer" status of human beings. The Australian Aborigines' understanding of the Dreamtime—an understanding passed down through thousands of generations—states that this "reality" of ours is only a collective dream.
The Aboriginal Dreamtime is the oldest planetary recollection of our origins and species-wide intention. But there are any number of other stories from other tribal sources pointing us in that "life is but a dream" direction as well.
But what are we dreaming about? Where is our focus?
I've said it many times and many ways during this series on The Power to Manifest, but in the last 20 years, this power has been grotesquely skewed towards satisfying endless personal needs for what can basically summed up as ... a dream about acquiring stuff.
Off the rails
It's a sad statement about the insularity of Americans, but only ten percent of US citizens have ever had a passport and traveled outside the country. Which means 90 percent of the US population has seen and experienced no other culture on this planet but their own.
Which means 90+ percent of people in the US haven't got a clue how insanely programmed we are as a nation to want and dream about and buy stuff, stuff and more stuff.
Buying fuels our economy and keeps it running. The average American home (which is double the size today from homes in the 1950s) contains 300,000 items. Of the world’s children, 3.1 percent live in America, but they own 40 percent of the toys purchased globally. The average 10-year-old in the US has 238 toys but plays with just 12.
Drive through any suburb and you see garage after garage overflowing with stuff. Over 25 percent of people in the US with two-car garages don’t have room to park a car inside them.
American comedian George Carlin once said "A house is just a place to keep your stuff while you go out and get more stuff." But today a 4,000 square foot house is no longer sufficient as a container. One out of every 10 Americans rents offsite storage to fill with excess stuff they don't have room for in their house and garage.[1]
US stores are full of unhappy-looking, grey-faced people numbly shoving their shopping carts up and down the aisles. US streets are full of unhappy-looking people numbly heading to work everyday to make more money so they can buy more stuff.
Contrast this with the stores and streets of "poor" third world nations.
Everywhere I've traveled in countries with severely impoverished populations—like India, South Africa, Ecuador, Peru, Chile, Panama, Costa Rica—people are vibrant, smiling and alive. Men walk down the streets linked arm in arm, laughing and joking. Women are colorfully, if poorly, dressed and smiling. Lithe, strong children run barefoot through the streets kicking a partly-deflated soccer ball for sport. It's the only toy the group has between them, but they are content.
More than content. They're healthy and happy.
Contrast this with the edgy, bored and phone/screen-addicted kids in the US. In this country, nearly 20 percent of children and young people ages 3-17 have a diagnosed mental, emotional, developmental, or behavioral disorder.[2] Another 20 percent are obese and suffering from chronic illness. Over 25 percent of adult Americans suffer from a diagnosable mental health disorder.[3]
That’s one out of every four people.
Buying more and more unnecessary crap is often a futile attempt at replacing what humans naturally crave and need in their lives—emotional warmth, human connection and support, safe touch, acceptance, love, and a sense of security. Shopping as a coping behavior managing the lack of fulfillment of many of these belonging needs is a recognized addiction.
Is it too far of a stretch to say that society's obsession with material goods has spilled over into the spirituality community's consciousness?
Is it unreasonable to suggest that the obsessive focus on the power to manifest—and the stuff we're all too often focused upon manifesting—is a coping mechanism as well?
Yes. We live in a material world and each of us needs the material necessities of water, food, and shelter reliably supplied. But after those basic survival needs, belonging needs are almost equally necessary for survival and are absolutely necessary for happiness, health, and any sense of thriving and evolution to occur.
But where do we belong?
Everywhere we look people are being slammed with savage messages of conflict and social correctness. Families, organizations, communities, governments and political parties are being torn apart. Intentional inflation, corporate greed, and government spending are squeezing families into massive debt and stress.
Where lies safety and sanity?
United focus
Despite a considerable amount of scientific research and uncountable thousands of workshops promising fantastic personal results harnessing the powers of the mind ... the jury is still out as to how the whole process of manifestation (aka creation) really works.
However, if we take the results of large studies like that done by The Global Consciousness Project and marry it to personal experience, there seems to be an obvious correlation:
Long-term dreaming about universally-desired events—like the creation of a happier more fulfilling personal life and/or the creation of a better world for all—yields more reliable results than a one-shot/short-term focus on individual material desires and outcomes.
Yes, I've had many experiences where I desired something specific—big things like a log cabin in the woods with a hot tub and a chicken coop, and small things like wanting a certain meal and having it brought over to my house by a friend out of the blue—and they quickly landed in my lap with little effort.
Yay! Personal manifestation works!!!
But I've also had far more experiences where I desired something specific (a job, a winning lotto ticket, etc.) and never got even a whiff of it manifesting.
Waaah! Personal manifestation doesn't work!!!
But wait ... let's go back to universal versus personal desires for a moment—like the creation of a happier more fulfilling life and/or the creation of a better world for all.
I've realized that when universal desires manifest, they always satisfy personal desires.
For example, let's consider the desire to manifest a particular job or win the lottery. Both desires have an overarching energetic to them of wanting to live a happier, more abundant and fulfilling life—a desire that is universal. And there are millions of different ways—unexpected ways—that that overarching desire can be satisfied.
Manifestations don't always match the specific picture we have in our heads and on our vision boards.
I might think only a director's job with ABC Sports and ten million dollars in the bank will do the trick providing the creative fulfillment and security I seek. But then one night as I'm leaving the studios of the local TV station after the 11 o'clock news, stopping by the bar to meet friends on the way home to my sweet cottage where my hubby, Golden Retriever, and calico cat are all asleep and (not) waiting up for me, it hits me just how fulfilled and happy and secure I feel with my life.
I never got to work for ABC Sports and never hit the lottery, but I'm right where my heart always wanted me to be.
And if that ain't personal manifestation in action, I don't know what is.
Nature decides
BUT ... it's also a tribute to the whole conversation about "nature decides." (See Surfing the Zuvuya - Part 3 )
Ultimately, in the cosmic scheme of things, there is no "I," only Oneness.
"I" am really "we." The entire ocean in a drop of water that appears separate and individual but truly is not. This is why—unless you're a psychopath or a sociopath—personal “I” desires and dreams always boil down to universal “we” dreams of wanting happiness, connection, security, love, belonging, beauty, creativity, joy, satisfaction.
Which is why the whole concept of personal manifestation is iffy in the extreme.
If “I” am truly “we,” then it is not me that decides what manifests in my life. Nature/life itself—the “we”—decides. The One intelligence decides because the One is omnipresent in all things and knows the right path of health and happiness for all life.
Nature/life/One ultimately knows the terrible stress (and ulcers) working for ABC Sports would bring. It knows constantly being on the road, keeping odd hours and eating in sports bars would exacerbate my drinking and destroy my health. It knows that having $10 million in the bank would make me stressed and simultaneously lazy. It would also make attracting an authentic, loving partner more difficult.
But working as the evening director for a small CBS affiliate station in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina? I might not know it yet, but it's just the ticket to happiness I'm looking for.
Changing the dream
I always wondered why the Universe didn't already know what I want. If all is One, doesn't the One already know everything?
Why did I have to make lists and put them on my refrigerator to remind Santa Claus what to bring me for Christmas? Why did I have to create vision boards and stare at them for hours at a stretch to manifest what I wanted, convincing my subconscious it was okay?
Why did I have to work so hard at the messaging?
Perhaps it's because I was sending out the wrong message?
Maybe it's because my focus was splintered and consumed with the need to consume stuff as the answer to happiness instead of grounding myself in my body and my life and focusing on my overall wellbeing? Because I couldn't trust that simply putting my feet on the path to becoming a director, or an artist, or a lawyer, or an activist or whatever else I desired was enough?
Maybe it's because I was programmed to distrust life? Maybe it's because I was programmed to believe I'm unworthy? Programmed to believe life is suffering and that it takes endless sweat and pain and stress to get anywhere? Programmed to compete against others instead of joining with others to create a better world for all?
All of the above and then some?
Well ... enough. Enough with playing out programs designed to keep me—and you—from realizing Who We Really Are—spirit beings of love taking a journey through what appears to be physical form but is actually a playground of pure energy.
Enough with the endless intentional distractions keeping us from our true power and manifesting the world we truly desire.
If I listen to my heart and lightly place my intention on a healthy, safe, supportive, creative, vibrant world for all ... with no more negative forces dragging us down. If I place my intention on unity and pull my fractured attention off manifesting the little things, trusting all will be taken care of under the umbrella of love ...
If I take simple steps—one by one—that are aligned with that universal intention … if we all join together and do that, surely it will be a sonorous bell ringing throughout the cosmos proclaiming “Peace! Joy! Fulfillment! Love! Individuality within unity!
This is what we stand for! This is what we are! This is what we create!”
If coherent consciousness creates order in the world, and we damn well know the only kind of order we desire (Hint: It's NOT the One World Order of the global elites) ... what's stopping us from creating it?
Much love and aloha ~
[1] https://www.becomingminimalist.com/clutter-stats/
[2] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK587174/
[3] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/mental-health-disorder-statistics
Check out the book:
Cracking the Matrix: 14 Keys to Individual & Global Freedom
For thousands of years, every culture on Earth has described a hostile, invisible Intelligence bedeviling humanity, dragging us down. The Archons, AshShaytān, wetiko, windingo, e'epa, antimimos, Satan ... the names are legion.
Cracking the Matrix explores the astounding history and nature of what humanity has erroneously labeled "evil" on this planet, helping people finally see the very real, negative, interdimensional influence that exists behind historic and current global events and our social decline.
The book outlines how to break free of this Force's ancient controlling agenda and how people can stand up in the power of their true spiritual nature, ready to create the New Heaven and the New Earth that have so long been prophesied.
About Cate Montana
I’m a professional journalist specializing in alternative medicine and health, and the author of several books, including Unearthing Venus: My Search for the Woman Within [Watkins 2013], and The E Word, Ego Enlightenment & Other Essentials [Atria 2017], and a spiritual novel titled Apollo & Me. My latest book is Gender, Patriarchy & Sexual Mind Control: Breaking Free. I have a master’s degree in psychology, and a lot of TV, radio and podcast show hosts as well as listeners around the world have told me I’m an interesting and informative—even compelling—speaker. To which I say “Thank you.” Talking is something I enjoy doing even more than writing! (It’s more immediate and connected.) I am extremely blessed to have been called to Maui and grateful every day awakening here.
For more information you can reach me at www.catemontana.com and info@catemontana.com
Yes to all of this!!💃
Well Cate, you hit it out of the ball park again. I really do so enjoy reading your creative writings. It seems like it flows effortlessly & probably does after you zero in on a topic. And this topic is so on top of people’s radar~ Manifesting! The Secret! Very well said, & we know Nature Decides…it’s all for a higher good, that’s the Universal language. Love is the key, thank you once again.